Musicas Militares


La musica marcial o musica militar es un genero especifico de la msica destinado para su uso en entornos militares, interpretado por soldados profesionales trabajadores de msica llamados field musicians. La mayor parte de la musica militar ha sido compuesta para anunciar eventos militares como con cantos de trompetas y fanfarrias, acompaar formaciones de marcha con cadencias de tambor, o marcar ocasiones especiales como por bandas militares. Sin embargo, la musica militar también ha sido empleada durante siglos en la batalla, a veces para intimidar al enemigo y otras veces para animar a los combatientes.

El Cuerpo de Musicas Militares, en el escenario oficial y suboficial del Ejército Espaol, tiene el mandato de prestar msica militar a todos los miembros del Ejercito Espaol. También es responsable de la preparación y dirección de las bandas militares. Es uno de los Cuerpos Comunes del Ejército, junto con el Cuerpo Juridico y el Cuerpo de Intervención.

Historically, trumpets, drums, cymbals, bagpipes and other loud musical instruments have been used for clear communication in the noise and confusion of a battlefield. They are also easily transported while the instrumentalist is in motion, i.e., marching. Modern additions include the upright glockenspiel and several brass instruments including trombone and sousaphone, which are often employed by military bands.

The Cuerpo de Musicas militares is composed of a total of 128 professional soldiers. They are grouped in a number of tiers, ranging from teniente coronel to sargento suboficial, and perform services such as the issuance of orders for marching formations and general duties. They are also responsible for preparing and conducting larger military bands and orchestras.

The earliest military bands were usually made up of trumpets, trombones and other brass instruments. These were later supplemented by snare drums, kettledrums, fifes, tin horns and other wind and percussion instruments, as well as stringed instruments such as violins and violas. Some of the first musical groups were created by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. These bands were called Mehtero Jenizaros, and they introduced a sound to military music that would influence composers such as Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. They incorporated elements of this sound into their own compositions. El sound resulting from this combination of traditional musical instruments became known as mehteran musica. The term mehteran trompetas, or mehteran marching band, remains in use today to describe the ensemble that performs this genre of music. The sound of the mehteran trompetas is distinctive, with its harsh tonal quality that contrasts with the soft sounds produced by other instruments. As time passed, the mehteran trompetas evolved to sound less like a traditional brass instrument and more like an orchestra. The sound is recognizable by the use of a large number of notes played in rapid succession, often using octaves. It is also characterized by its rhythmic and meter, as well as the use of simple melodies. This type of music is still performed today in many countries around the world.


Milan Tomic

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